Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pillars of Character

On Monday in class we learned about The 6 Pillars of Character and why they are important.  The Pillars are: Respect, Trustworthiness, Caring, Fairness, Responsibility, and Citizenship.  We have already done classes on Respect and Trust previously and in the last three classes I am going to be covering the other four. 

We went over each Pillar individually after I gave the deffinitions of each.  As we sat in the circle on the carpet the kids all got to add in what they thought each Pillar meant or represented. 

This leads us into our class project for this term.  The kids were divided into groups and each group will be creating a "Character Book".   More information about the project is under the Projects  page. 

Please make sure that you are checking all pages on the class blog.  I want to make sure that everyone knows about any Announcements, Journals, or Assignments.

I hope everyone has a nice week and I will see you on Friday.