Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday's Class

Hi Kids!

On Friday we talked about respect and how to be good listeners.  I asked for volunteers and gave two examples.  The first one showed how a bad listener looks and the second one demonstrated good listening skills. 

After we had our lesson we went off into groups and did more listening work in our groups.  I really thought this was successful and I hope that you all will continue to use your good listening skills to show respect for other people. 

At the very end of class we discussed a little bit about our next project which I will be putting up on our project page.  As usual our Journals will be posted on the Journal page.

For the new students, please make sure that you have your Student Information Folders into me and also that I have a notecard with your blog url on it.

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekened and I will see you on Monday.  

Ms. Sarah